Yokohama Hakuraitei Beef Stew is a roux made by carefully simmering...
Delicious! Easy! Convenient! Single wrapped drip coffee for your cup or...
A great gummy snack with different flavour on one stalk. Another great...
Bento box in triangle shape for Onigiri and cute Cinnamoroll print....
Bento box in triangle shape for Onigiri and cute Pochacco print....
Miniature of a 12 foot container from JOT, Japan Oil Transportation.Lid removable on top. Material: TinningSize: 80mm x 50mm x 54mm
Miniature of a 20 foot container from Japan Freight Railway Company.Lid removable on top. Material: TinningSize: 115mm x 50mm x 54mm
Miniature of a 20 foot container from RUNTEC.Lid removable on top. Material: TinningSize: 115mm x 50mm x 54mm
1/12 miniature of a typical construction barrier as it can be found anywhere in Japan. Material: Polystyrene and PolycarbonateSize: 100mm x 44mm x 67mm Made in JAPAN
1/12 miniature of a typical garbage box as you can find them everywhere at Japanese train stations. Can be used in many ways, e.g. simply as decoration or as a desk organizer for pens and small items. Top cover completely removable. Material: PolystyreneSize: 125mm x 32mm x 75mm Made in JAPAN
Metal case in shape and design of ORION'S COCOA cigarettes. Material: SteelSize: 48mm x 77mm x 19mm
Metal case in shape and design of the popular Miyako Kombu. Material: SteelSize: 35mm x 25mm x 90mm
Miniature of a truck container from Art Hikkoshi Center also known as The 0123.Lid removable on top. Material: TinningSize: 80mm x 50mm x 54mm
Miniature of a 12 foot container from JOT, Japan Oil Transportation.Lid removable on top. Material: TinningSize: 80mm x 50mm x 54mm
Miniature of a 12 foot container from NIPPON EXPRESS.Lid removable on top. Material: TinningSize: 80mm x 50mm x 54mm
Miniature of a 20 foot container from Fukuyama Transporting.Lid removable on top. Material: TinningSize: 115mm x 50mm x 54mm
Miniature of a 20 foot container from Japan Freight Railway Company.Lid removable on top. Material: TinningSize: 115mm x 50mm x 54mm