This crunchy chocolate is made by combining cherry leaf powder and white...
Make delicious Japanese Dashimaki Tamago simply in the microwave with...
When soft candies are dipped in water syrup and chilly powder, ice-cream...
This homemade DIY confectionery allows you to make red, blue, yellow,...
Matcha green tea blended cookies are filled with a delicious azuki...
Freeze-dried strawberries of varying sizes are covered with matcha...
Japanese brush pen for kanji and kana - ink color black
Frixion Ball Pen - Made in JAPANRemove your writting through friction.
Pencils made in Japan.The high quality graphite lead in combination with the wooden high class covering makes writing an enjoyment. Grading/classification: HB Content: 12 pencils (Mitsubishi 9800)
Stamp with cute illustrations of the 12 zodiacs.Size: 50x80mm (stamp area approx. 46x76mm)
The most popular eraser in Japan. You will like it.
Create name stamps in Japanese Hiragana characters in any combination. Since numbers, star and heart pattern as well es Japanese Kanji characters for "Year", "Group" and "No." are included, the stamp set can be used in a wide range from simply naming things to creating message cards or other decorative items. Content: 96 stamp pads and 6 stamp pad holders