Yokohama Hakuraitei Beef Stew is a roux made by carefully simmering...
Delicious! Easy! Convenient! Single wrapped drip coffee for your cup or...
Light and crispy cookie shell around a fluffy and awesome delicious...
A great gummy snack with different flavour on one stalk. Another great...
Bento box in triangle shape for Onigiri and cute Cinnamoroll print....
Cutter set for sandwiches or cookies in shape of a cute bear head and face. Japanese Bento are famous for setting food in scenes and even sandwiches are "designed". With this cutter and mould set you can shape your sandwiches like a cute bear face. Size: 90mm x 70mm
Pop up your Bento or any other dish with colourful fish chips with the face from Doraemon. Content: approx. 20 pieces
Pop up your Bento or any other dish with colourful fish chips in a lovely heart shape. Content: approx. 40 pieces
Pop up your Bento or any other dish with colourful fish chips with the face from Hello Kitty. Content: approx. 20 pieces
Pop up your Bento or any other dish with colourful fish chips with the face from Mickey Mouse. Content: approx. 20 pieces
Pop up your Bento or any other dish with colourful fish chips with the faces from cute cats (in two different styles). Content: approx. 25 pieces
Pop up your Bento or any other dish with colourful fish chips with the face from Pompompurin. Content: approx. 20 pieces
Pop up your Bento or any other dish with colourful fish chips in a cute star shape. Content: approx. 40 pieces
With these genius cookie cutters you can make a cookie puzzle of Japan. The cutter have the shapes of all 47 prefectures plus some major islands.To make it easier to cut the prefectures are grouped so that you don't have to cut all prefectures and islands one by one.The cookies themselves are, of course, separated after you cut them. The product is made...
Japanese baking paper, usually referred to as "cooking sheet" in Japan, is not only used for baking but also for other purposes. Whether in the oven, microwave or to cover cooked food. Content: 30cm x 5m
Pre-cut nori sheets with Hello Kitty silhouettes to easily decorate your bento. Contents: 16 silhouettes
Great for making cute Bento. DecoFuri is a special kind of Furikake which colours your rice or other food and also adds a slight salt taste. Content 3 colours:Green Orange Pink