This crunchy chocolate is made by combining cherry leaf powder and white...
Make delicious Japanese Dashimaki Tamago simply in the microwave with...
When soft candies are dipped in water syrup and chilly powder, ice-cream...
This homemade DIY confectionery allows you to make red, blue, yellow,...
Matcha green tea blended cookies are filled with a delicious azuki...
Freeze-dried strawberries of varying sizes are covered with matcha...
Japanese corn and potato potage soup with sweet corn Content: 1 package for 1 soup
A rich clam potage flavour with bread baked to a golden brown in a potage with the umami of clams. The richness of the soup soaks into the bread, making you feel relaxed and at ease. Content: 1 cup
This is a thick corn potage with the sweetness of corn and toasted bread. The rich potage soaks into the bread, making you feel relaxed and at ease. Content: 1 cup
Potage with potatoes and butter, topped with toasted bread and potato croutons. The rich broth soaks into the bread, making it a delicious and relaxing meal. Content: 1 cup
Potage with the sweetness of ripe pumpkin and bread baked to a golden brown. The richness of the soup soaks into the bread, making you feel relaxed and at ease. Content: 1 cup
Dashi granules made from dried bonito This easy to use dashi sticks are made from only natural ingredients. One stick is thought for about 750 ml of fines dashi used for Miso soup, or of course any other dish where Dashi is used. Content: 6 or 12 sticks
Soup base for Japanese noodles, especially for Udon, Hiyamugi, Somen, etc., but also for cooking Japanese dishes like Oden, Tamagoyaki and many more. Content: 500ml
Japanese mushroom soup with 3 kinds of mushrooms and Tōnyū (soymilk) Content: 1 package for 1 soup
Dashi granules made of 2 different kinds of Hokkaido Kombu. This easy to use dashi sticks are made from only natural ingredients. One stick is thought for about 750 ml of fines dashi used for Miso soup, or of course any other dish where Dashi is used. Content: 6 or 12 sticks
Soup base for Japanese noodles like Soba, Udon etc., but also used for cooking Japanese dishes like Nikujaga and many more. Gluten Free and free of additives! Content: 500ml
Soup base for Japanese noodles, especially for Udon, Hiyamugi, Somen, etc., but also for cooking Japanese dishes like Oden, Tamagoyaki and many more. Gluten Free and free of additives! Content: 500ml
Slowly Cooked Clam PotageThis rich and creamy clam potage is richly infused with the delicious flavors of scallops, scallions, and oysters. The luxurious flavor and melt-in-your-mouth texture allow you to taste the entire deliciousness of the ingredients. The secret to the richness is the special vegetable bouillon that also utilizes onion and cabbage...