Yokohama Hakuraitei Beef Stew is a roux made by carefully simmering...
Delicious! Easy! Convenient! Single wrapped drip coffee for your cup or...
Light and crispy cookie shell around a fluffy and awesome delicious...
A great gummy snack with different flavour on one stalk. Another great...
Bento box in triangle shape for Onigiri and cute Cinnamoroll print....
-20% on all Umaibo (Discount applies in cart)
PREMIUM Umaibo with a rich and creamy "Mozzarella & Camembert" cheese flavour. Content: 10 pieces
Umaibo is a very popular, puffed corn snack available in a huge variety of different tastes. With this great "10 Flavour Set" you will get 10 different tastes out of the huge Umaibo-Universe. Content: 10 pieces in different flavours.
Umaibo is a very popular, puffed corn snack available in a huge variety of different tastes. Weight: 6g
Umaibo is a very popular, puffed corn snack available in a huge variety of different tastes. Weight: 6g
Umaibo is a very popular, puffed corn snack available in a huge variety of different tastes. Weight: 6g
Umaibo is a very popular, puffed corn snack available in a huge variety of different tastes. Weight: 6g
Umaibo is a very popular, puffed corn snack available in a huge variety of different tastes. Weight: 6g
Umaibo is a very popular, puffed corn snack available in a huge variety of different tastes. Weight: 6g
Umaibo is a very popular, puffed corn snack available in a huge variety of different tastes. Weight: 6g
Umaibo is a very popular, puffed corn snack available in a huge variety of different tastes. Weight: 6g
Umaibo is a very popular, puffed corn snack available in a huge variety of different tastes. Weight: 6g
Umaibo is a very popular, puffed corn snack available in a huge variety of different tastes. Weight: 6g