Yokohama Hakuraitei Beef Stew is a roux made by carefully simmering...
Delicious! Easy! Convenient! Single wrapped drip coffee for your cup or...
Light and crispy cookie shell around a fluffy and awesome delicious...
A great gummy snack with different flavour on one stalk. Another great...
Bento box in triangle shape for Onigiri and cute Cinnamoroll print....
Crispy almonds caramelized by Glico's original method are wrapped in melt-in-your-mouth chocolate with two kinds of nut pastes. Content: 55g
Caramelised almonds with a almond oil flavoured milk chocolate shell and filled with chocolate cream. Content: 56g
Caramelised almonds with a thick almond oil flavoured praline & milk chocolate shell and with wheat puffs. Content: 56g
Macadamia nuts, also called "King of nuts" covered with a thick and tasty chocolate. Content: 67g
Great, delicious sweet made of Japanese Hokkaido azuki beans with a white chocolate shell covered with uji matcha. Packed in handy bags which makes it easy to share or stock. Content: 70g
Almonds with a thick chocolate shell Only carefully selected almonds are slowly roasted to create an aromatic flavor. The chocolate that wraps the almonds is high-quality milk chocolate that only Meiji can produce. It has a mild taste that enhances the savory flavor of the almonds. Content: 79g
Delicious almonds with a thick chocolate shell made of an aromatic dark cacao chocolate. Inhalt: 84g
Delicious almonds with a thick chocolate shell made of finest meiji Uji Matcha chocolate. Content: 58g
This special Almond chocolate is only available in winter. Almonds gently wrapped in a veil of white and milk chocolate. Please enjoy the deep flavor of crispy almonds and two layers of mild chocolate. Content: 59g
Macadamia nuts, also called "King of nuts" covered with a thick and tasty chocolate. Content: 64g
This special Macadamia chocolate is only available in winter. Macadamia nuts are gently wrapped in a veil of white and milk chocolate. Please enjoy the deep flavor of soft macadamia nuts and two layers of mild chocolate. Content: 63g
Five kinds of nut chocolates. Each nut is carefully selected to bring out the flavour and texture of each nut.Peanut Macadamia Almond Hazelnut Coconut CrispContent: 106g