Yokohama Hakuraitei Beef Stew is a roux made by carefully simmering...
Delicious! Easy! Convenient! Single wrapped drip coffee for your cup or...
Light and crispy cookie shell around a fluffy and awesome delicious...
A great gummy snack with different flavour on one stalk. Another great...
Bento box in triangle shape for Onigiri and cute Cinnamoroll print....
Crispy wafers in round stick shape filled with a fresh cream made of Hokkaido milk.
Monaka wafer filled with an airy chocolate. A crispy and delicious snack. Content: 1 piece with approx. 35g
Light and crispy cookie shell around a fluffy and awesome delicious sweet potato cream filling.Gently sweet cream made from Japanese sweet potatoes is wrapped in a purple crispy waffle. Made with domestically grown sweet potatoes. A great autumn edition that not only reminds of sweet potato by its taste, but also by its colour combination. Content: 48g
Lucky edition of the well known Puku Puku Tai Fish shaped Monaka wafer filled with an airy chocolate. It looks like the well known and widely loved Tayaki snack where you can get at every festival or at special Tayaiki shops all over Japan. Content: 1 piece (16,5g)
Caplico from Glico is a great unmeltable ice cream cone. This fake ice cream consists of a bubble like chocolate in the centre covered by a white bubble like chocolate in a crispy wafer. Content: 1 cone (34g)
Caplico from Glico is a great unmeltable ice cream cone. This fake ice cream consists of a bubble like chocolate in a crispy wafer. Content: 1 cone (34g)
Fish shaped Monaka wafer filled with an airy chocolate. It looks like the well known and widely loved Tayaki snack where you can get at every festival or at special Tayaiki shops all over Japan. Content: 1 piece (16,5g)
Fish shaped Monaka wafer filled with an airy strawberry chocolate. It looks like the well known and widely loved Tayaki snack where you can get at every festival or at special Tayaiki shops all over Japan. Content: 1 piece (16,5g)
Delicious crispy pastries made of wheat puff with lots of roasted almonds and a milk flavour. As simple it sounds as great is its taste and therefore now wonder that this is a classic long time seller. Content: 160g (more than 70 pieces)